Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Not all that glitters is gold. Some are nails.

True, because some are nails. And polishes! Whew!

I fell in-love with OPI Crown Me Already at first sight. 'Cos it's not just beautiful. It's fabulous. 

It has fine glitters and hexagonal particles that made it really stunning especially under the sun. Another thing that I love from it is, it's easy to apply; just 2 coats and ta-da!

Just don't forget that it will take you forever to remove it. So if it chipped on the second or third day, be thankful.


Don't Break My Nail!

"All Fun and Games until Somebody Loses an Eye". Exactly! It's the Scottish writer Christopher Brookmyre.

Not a fan here who feels reading his writings. But it made a humor when Lacy Bella quotes "It's All Fun & Games until Someone Breaks a Nail". Hilarious.

My nail broke because of someone's irresponsibility so I cut them all evenly. How about my fetish of long nails? Forgo for three weeks. *Sigh

Any-ho, I don't want to sound so overly dramatic about the "breaking my nail" issue. To make them pretty good looking is the only thing I can do for now.

However, if I were to chose 'tween breaking my nail or losing my eye, hmmm... I'll go for fun and games.


"People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7 (NLT)